Elsek & Elsek Group
Roll forming, also spelled roll-forming, is a type of rolling involving the continuous bending of a long strip of galvanize steel sheet (typically coiled steel) into a desired cross-section. The strip passed through sets of rolls mounted on consecutive stands, each set performing only an incremental part of the bend, until the desired cross-section (profile) is obtained. Roll forming is ideal for producing constant-profile parts with long lengths and in large quantities.
Roll formed sections may have advantages over extrusions of a similar shapes. Roll formed parts may be much lighter, with thinner walls possible than in the extrusion process, and stronger, having been work hardened in a cold state. Parts can be made having a finish or already painted. In addition, the roll forming process is more rapid and takes less energy than extrusion.
Roll forming machines are available that produce shapes of different sizes and material thicknesses using the same rolls. Our Elsek’s machines can do forming from 0,5 mm up to 3 mm. We have 2 types of machines which one makes 90 mm wide (mostly used for interior walls)
and another makes 140 mm wide (for exterior walls). Variations in size are achieved by making the distances between the rolls variable by manual adjustment or computerized controls, allowing for rapid changeover. These specialized mills are prevalent in the light gauge framing industry where metal studs and tracks of standardized profiles and thicknesses are used.
Once you program our Elsek’s machines it automatically cuts to the length, make rivet holes, connection points of the 2 steel part, makes electricity line and plumbing line holes on the roll formed steel.
The Process
The process of roll forming is one of the simpler manufacturing processes. It typically begins with a large coil of sheet metal, between 188 mm and 240 mm in width, and 0,8 mm or 3 mm thick, supported on an un-coiler. The strip is fed through an entry guide to properly align the material as it passes through the rolls of the mill, each set of rolls forming a bend until the material reaches its desired shape. Roll sets are typically mounted one over the other on a pair of horizontal parallel shafts supported by a stand(s). Side rolls and cluster rolls may also be used to provide greater precision and flexibility and to limit stresses on the material. The shaped strips can be cut to length ahead of a roll forming mill, between mills, or at the end of the roll forming line.
Geometric Possibilities
The geometric possibilities can be very broad and even include enclosed shapes so long as it is the same cross-section throughout. Our machine accepts sheeting thicknesses range from 0.8 mm to 3 mm. Length is almost unaffected by the rolling process. The part widths typically are not smaller than 188 mm and 240 mm. The primary limitation is profile depth, which is generally limited to less than 100 mm and 120 mm due to roll-imparted stresses and surface speed differentials that increase with depth.
Production Rates
The production rate depends greatly on the material thickness and the bend radius, it is also affected by the number of stations or steps required. For bend radius of 50 times the material thickness of a low carbon steel 1.8 cm thick can range from 26 m/min through eight stations to 17 m/min per minute.
Pre-fabricated framing elements provide high quality with low prices and these also shortens the time required to complete the construction. Steel has the highest load-carrying capacity to weight ratio.
Due to its high bearing capacity, steel construction elements could be produced in smaller cross sections and amounts, which are lighter and more perfect in quality.
In steel construction, dimensions of the bearing elements are smaller than the wood and the concrete, which enables more usage area and as a result provides the construction area to be used more efficiently.
Reasonable prices and the short time period required to complete construction enable people to domicile to their residences very soon thus enables them to pay lower rents, interest and to have cost advantage.
Steel is not Risky Against Lightning: Different from other bearing systems, steel construction is not risky against lightning. Because protective installment forms an outgoing way to the ground, which reduces the risks of explosions, small scale fires and individual injuries.
Steel is Flexible: In modern and forward looking constructions, another significant factor brought by steel is its flexibility in design. The relevance of our residences to our rapidly changing lifestyles should be more easily and economically provided by the steel constructions. According to your needs, interior walls the ones which are not load carrying can be removed or re-located.
Steel is Earthquake Resistant: Since steel has high strength, ductility and low weight, it is the most earthquake resistant construction material.
Steel is a material which is capable of resisting the forces and absorbing the coming forces through small deformations without failure.
Steel construction is light-weighted. As the mass of the construction increases the earthquake force which it will be subjected to, will be higher.
The only way to reduce this earthquake force is to lighten the construction. Steel constructions are 5 times lighter than the reinforced-concrete ones thus the earthquake strength enforced to the steel construction will be 5 times reduced.
Steel is Environment-friendly: Steel is a resistant and re-usable material. Steel obtained from disassemble of a steel construction is recoverable. A light-steel made construction’s frame could be obtained from 7-8 junk automobiles. However, such a construction which will be made from wood requires logging of 50 trees.
Steel is High Quality: Quality of steel, which is being produced on the basis of the characteristics determined by the international standards and is an entirely industrial product, is controlled in every stage of its production and certified. Neither producer nor user can interfere in the products’ physical characteristics. Moreover, theoretical calculation values also remain valid in the application. Since steel is not hidden in the concrete it is always possible to inspect whether usage is in accordance with the project and the determined standards or not.
Galvanized Steel is Stainless: Since galvanized steel is used in the light gauge steel construction, corrosion resistance is high and as a result rusting does not occur. There are no risks of being cracked, bended and bugged as in the case of wood. Steel used by ELSEK PRODUCTION, consists of the galvanized steel which is produced by best Steel factories on the basis of international standards and quality.