Expanded polystyrene Styrofoam is made from expandable polystyrene, which is a rigid cellular plastic, containing an expansion agent. EPS is obtained from oil as can be seen from the diagram.
The impact on the environment of everyday materials is increasingly important if we are to reduce our carbon footprint and protect our natural heritage for future generations. Our aim, therefore, in this extract is to provide you with factual, well-documented information about the environmental credentials of EPS. EPS (Expanded Polystyrene Styrofoam) is an excellent material for packaging and for construction as it is light yet rigid foam with good thermal insulation and high impact resistance. This explanation aims to provide balanced information based on the manufacture, use and recovery from waste of EPS in the packaging and construction sectors. We also aim to demonstrate to customers, government organizations, consumer associations and the public that, by choosing or using EPS, you can be confident it is safe, complies with all relevant technical and environmental standards and can easily be recycled at the end of its primary use.