At the production of Mermerit, resinous modified with acrylic is used as raw material and natural mineral and pigments are used as filling material. It was first used for the production of washbasins and bathtubs, but now it is used for the production of various products such as kitchen, bathroom collusions, kitchen sinks, droppers, pediments.
Our product is quite durable to chemical materials (acid, alkali, oil), heat and fire because of its content. The surface of the product is smooth, water-resistant, fireproof and hygienic. It can be produced in the desired colour, shape and dimensions, besides it has the advantage of monolithic kitchen sink, back baseboard and front sticks.
It is an ideal material for residents, offices and hotels because it is not damaged from acids like lemon and vinegar, easy to clean, durable to heat, not damaged and faded when a hot stuff is put on, does not allow stain an bacteria since its surface and joints are perfectly smooth. It is cleaned easily with simple cleaning materials (liquid is better). A possible detrital on the surface can be removed by sanding. The surface will immediately be smooth again.
Granite type products keep their first features for many years and there is not any change at the colour and the surface. The Mermerits which are produced in two types as granite and marble, have various kinds of colour selections. Marbelite transforms ordinary plain concrete into a beautiful practical surface of natural stone, slate, brick, tile or paver look.
Marbelite surface materials offer higher strength properties than conventional concrete and are more flexible and durable.